
"True prayer is a way of life, not just for use in cases of emergency. Make it a habit, and when the need arises you will be in practice." - Billy Graham



Prayer was instrumental in forming this ministry and has sustained us since 1988.  Each day our staff meets at noon to pray for the ministry, our residents, our volunteers, and all other areas the Lord puts on our heart each day.


Please join us in prayer for:

Residents - we serve close to 350 men, women, and children each year - pray for every single person to experience the love of Jesus while they are here.  Each one needs love, hope, grace and a new way of living life. Pray for a new Vision for Victory for their life!


Staff - Ministering 24/7 comes with many opportunities to share the love of Jesus.  Pray for our staff to always be the hands and feet of Jesus, not just in easy interactions, but also in the very difficult ones.


Please join us in prayer for:

Volunteers - Pray for the Lord to bring more volunteers with strong and willing hands and hearts!  Pray for those that volunteer behind the scenes and those that come alongside our residents.  They give their time selflessly - and we love them!


Our communities - Pray for the Sunnyslope Community, our city, county, state, and country.  May God's people see the impact of their love each and every day. Pray that we may have collaboration with other organizations and pray for our church communities that support us all. 

We're here for you!

We want to have a place for you here. Let us know how you'd like to get involved!